I was in the middle of writing a report on a movie that had impacted my life, an assignment for my language class and needed to take a break and think in English for a moment. I have chosen The Hiding Place, which is the story of Corrie Ten Boom's life. She has always been such an inspiration to me, though her life was not perfect she always ended up seeing God at work in her midst.
One good problem I have had lately is not being able to remember a word in English that I use a lot in Spanish...they say that is a good sign of assimilating the language! We are now in our third and final trimester! The classes this time are about the same level as last trimester, which means for a lot of homework, depending on the teacher. My language class requires one written and one oral report a week as well as a Bible Study and interviews of a chosen theme that we report on in class. Part of the class time is spent reviewing new concepts from grammar class, which is very helpful.There is a joke at school the reason that the school year is broken up into 'tri' mesters is so that each student can get three 'tri's' at learning the language before they are out! This year started out real slow but now is moving a warp speed! Some of our friends have already left for their country of service and it is so hard to part with them.Each in his or her own way has impacted our lives!
Bob is still in the process of making a decision about next year, not wanting to just take a position without knowing if it is exactly where God wants him, thanks for praying for us in this regard.
The Women who serve with me at the Prison

I continue to be involved in prison ministry and am pleased with the dedication of the girls there to attend and participate in the study. I now have two groups, one on Saturday and one on Wednesday nights. There are always challenges but I have seen God in the midst of them and it brings such hope to my heart. One night they told me that they were thankful to God for giving them this opportunity to get back on track with God and wanted to make the best of this time in the prison! Please pray for their hearts to be protected and that they would grow in the knowledge of His Word. Wednesday nights we are studying Marriage God's Way. A study from Precept ministry on how to have a godly marriage! They have had pretty poor examples in the past of what a marriage should look like. Isn't this picture a hoot! I am the only one not wearing high heels! No wonder they can pick out a gringo any where!
Brave Terri trying what we so fondly call 'snot-fruit'!

Terri came to visit and while she was here I made her(not really!). She was a really good sport and said she really liked many of them! We had a wonderful visit with her and never gave her a chance to catch her breath, after all she can do that in Maine, on one of those cold nights when she returned! She was a wonderful guest! She lead worship in the little community church in Linda Vista, which she knew so well after serving there for 4 years doing short term summer projects. The day we arrived there she had little ones hanging from her side that had remembered her from before, what great long lasting relationships! Then she lead worship at the prison, again in Spanish. They were quite amazed to find out that she could sing so well in Spanish but couldn't speak the language beyond...hola, como estas?! The girls were so blessed by her style of worship and one of the songs she chose was You Are My Beloved, which brought tears to many eyes, O, that they would believe that in God's eyes they are finally truly beloved! We finished our ministry together on Saturday with a short teaching on the 23 Psalm and then make bracelets with the women. What a fun day we had! It was my first time to teach in Spanish and am grateful for their patience with me! Hopefully I didn't 'teach' anything out doctrine! Sometimes when they responded to my questions I was not totally sure what they said! They keep reminding us at school that God even used a donkey(politely said) to get His message across......
The Bracelets