Tomorrow our plan was to go the prison to have an Easter Service with the women we serve there. We had everything planned and Monday afternoon we got word that they would not let us in for lack of enough security! Needless to say it was very disappointing to us and even more so to the women! They so look forward to the special times we have together.
Even as I write this I realize that tomorrow "my" plan was to go to the prison, but not God's! I do not always understand His ways but am learning to trust Him more and more every day!
The Celebrate Recovery Program is going very well. Our team of three leaders is kept very busy with supporting the womwn's process of healing and we have seen God at work in their midst. Often the women enter the prison saying they are inocent but as we have worked with them over the last few months we have seen them become more honest with themselves and with us. There is a real desire to get healed and set free. They want to live a different life than before and know that is only possible with God.
Last month we had the blessing of being part of of an ongoing children's program in Rio Frio, where a family that we served after the earthquake is now living. It is a program that brings the neighborhood children from this rural area together to have fun and learn about who God is and that He loves them.These children come from very poor homes, many of whom only have earthen floors. This can be quite a problem during the rainy season as there is no way to keep the rain out of the houses. Even in the midst of their poverty they often can be seen wearing beautiful smiles. It is a joy to see their faces as they hear the Gospel stories read and acted out.
We have been blessed by a friend of our son's with a visit to his condo later this week. He has a heart to serve God by serving us and we are looking forward to a needed rest. Bob has been putting in long hours at the school and has been sick with a flu for the last two weeks. This will give us a chance to catch up on some reading and sleeping!
Thank you all for partnering with us to serve God as we serve the people here in Costa Rica and those students whom God will send out in all of Latin America. We treasure your prayers and look forward to seeing you all soon, either here in Costa Rica or when we come home for a visit this summer.
May you know the blessing of His love this Easter! God bless you!