I don't know about your family but we grew up loving PBnJ. It was our go to food when mom didn't want to cook. Well, I now have a reason to really love PBnJ!
On Dec. 1 we welcomed out 4th grandchild, Jack Peter, into the world. He has 2 brothers and a sister, Parker, Blake and Natalie. If you put the first letter of their names together you get...PBnJ!
Mom, baby and children are doing fine but Peter says he is not getting enough sleep at night! :) Last week we finished another new missionary training. There were 22 new missionaries going to 11 countries around the world.
We are so blessed to be a part of their life and love hearing how God has called them to serve Him.
Each story is one of hearing the call and then learning how to trust God as they depend on Him to send them out.
This is from the decorations of our church in Kerrville, Texas. It says it all!
May Christ's sacrifice fill your hearts
with an overwhelming sense of His great love for you
in this holy season.
Merry Christmas to our dear family and friends!
May Christ's sacrifice fill your hearts
with an overwhelming sense of His great love for you
in this holy season.
Merry Christmas to our dear family and friends!