Friday, August 15, 2008

We made it! What a rewarding day to receive that diploma! Our Spanish is far from perfect but we have past our first hurdle and are anxious for the next step in the journey.
That next step for us is a trip back home to Maine to reconnect with family and friends and pack up a little more for our new home destination...Costa Rica. Thank you all for your prayers and support this year, it has meant more to us than you can imagine. Can't wait to get to see as many of you as are around in August and September. Send us an email if you have time to connect.We are hoping to get a track phone to use while we are home.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

El Toro Video

Thanks to a good friend, Ryan we now have a video! He's much younger than I!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

El Torro Roberto

It was culture day at school and they need a 'bull' for the traditional dance! He was a great bull and is now considering taking a side job while here at language school! What do you think?
This was supposed to include a video but I can not seem to get it right! So, for now a picture will have to do of this famous bull!