Monday, May 23, 2011


 Wow! What a day! After starting with about a dozen girls in our Celebrate Recovery program we graduated 2 of them last week. The program lasts about 1 1/2 years in prison and so we lost some of our girls because they were released and others dropped out. Overall the two who did finish shared how the program had changed their hearts. Living in the prison, according to the girls, brings out the very worst in one. One of the two told us how she now prayers for the girls who hurt her and steal from her when before she plotted how to fight with them. The other woman went from hardly speaking in the class to becoming very bold with the truth! How exciting to see lives changed! One of the girls, Monique, who got released to finish her term outside in the prison's bakery is wanting to continue on with the study until she finishes it. We will start up again next week.               
Going to the prison each week has it's own little challenges! Never a week goes by when the rules have been changed and we need to do something differently. But, even in the middle of these God's grace has been with us and we have progressed forward in His love.

As our group is an English speaking group we are unique. I do not believe there is any other group that meets on a weekly basis to support the women who speak English. Because of this we get a wide variety of women who come, just to get out of their cell. That is not a problem for us, God can use any excuse and when they sit under God's love and grace we see their hearts changing.   God has proven Himself to be bigger than any obstacle we have had to face and He has shown Himself to be faithful, and for this we are so thankful for His new mercies every day!

 The blue building in the background is where I started a new Bible Study this week. You may recognize it from when we had the two teams there. We have come to know and admire the local Costa Rician missionaries who work there day in and day out. When we were there they asked we might serve with them for a day a week. I told them that my work was not with children but with women in studying the Bible. They were enthusiastic  because none of the volunteers who have come along side them to  teach Bible Study. There are several classes in crafts and English but as yet no formal Bible Studies.
Last week were were in the community visiting women to see if there was any interest in having a Bible Study. Several women responded yes, but one never knows if they were just being polite and not wanting to offend, as is customary here.I spent all weekend pondering and praying over what I should use as an introductory lesson. I knew that I wanted to speak about God's true love for us but how? It was not until late Sunday night that I finally got what I felt was God's direction! I chose to teach the story of the Prodigal Son and the father's love for his son. They could all relate to a son gone astray, as they live this reality every day in their lives and  their children's lives.
They shared how a parent would feel very angry if a son asked for his inheritance while the father was still living. Then when we talked about the love the father had for his son, it was easy for them to see that this was a different kind of love then they had experienced ever before. I was excited to not only have 5 women to share with but women who were interested and asking lots of questions! The woman and baby on the right under the title Costa Rician Children in our blog( is one of the women who joined us in the class. Her name is Yerling.
We will be memorizing Isaiah 49:16 this week. Their assignment was to not only memorize the passage but to look to see how God would use this truth in their lives this week.
I invite you to join us in this challenge and see what God does in your own heart as well. Love to hear from you!
Speaking of hearing from you! I jsut wanted to remind everyone that we have a new mailing address. It is: Bob and Barbara Nesbitt  APDO#782-2350 San Jose, Costa Rica.
We would love to have a few of you try it out and see of it works!!!!!