Sunday, April 15, 2012

La Boda

My how have the last three months flown by! To say it has been busy would be an understatement but it has been a great busy! We would like to share with you some highlights.

La Cuenca:
   It was our great joy to be at the Boda (Wedding) of a couple who had lived together for 6 years and have 4 children. We have spent about 5 months doing martial counseling with them and in February they were ready to make their union pleasing to God! Costa Rica being a Catholic country requires that anyone wanting to marry out side the church to first go to a lawyer for a civil marriage and then it is permissible to have a religious wedding.
They live in a very humble home in the slum and the religious ceremony was held in their home. We were in their living area and it was wall to wall chairs, no turning around room. The pastor did a wonderful job blessing them and guiding them as to how to live a marriage pleasing to God.

   The woman's Bible Study,held in the same slum, La Cuenca continues to go well. We are going to finish our study of The Lords Prayer in a couple of weeks and then I am hoping to have a special day with a guest speaker and invitations to women from the area.
 I am praying for some finical assistance to be able to take some of the women out of La Cuenca for a day in the mountains, filled with games, food and teaching. If you are able to help please send a check along to CTEN Commission To Every Nation
P.O. Box 291307
Kerrville, TX 78029-1307     with our name on a sticky note.

Thursday Bible Study
 We are also finishing a study on prayer and then we will start into Genesis, the book of beginnings! I am really having a great time with this small study, the ladies are such good students and we just added two new women to our group! If any of you have ever been in one of my studies you know how I feel about homework! They always complete it and are very involved in the discussion. It has been exciting for me to be teaching them how to study their Bibles inductively and the Genesis Study will be our first full Precept Study.

The Prison:
We have started our next course of Celebrate Recovery with between 9-12 women. They have been doing the work in their books and are really seeking recovery. One woman had been struggling with some unforgiveness issues and last week when we had our one on one time she was glowing as she told me that she had not only forgiven someone but had also gone to that person to seek forgiveness for what she had done. She was so excited to tell me about it!

Stephanie, the young woman that I had the privilege to mentor last year, has come back from Mexico and is now going to seminary here in Costa Rica as well as joining us in the work in La Cuenca. Seminary is her next step into full time missions.Part of what she needs to do as she completes her studies is raise support, which is very difficult to do here as the local church does not have a missionary vision. We are excited that God has provided generously through some of you to bring her to Maine for a week this summer so she can have the opportunity to share her vision with you all. If you would like to meet her please get in contact with us!

Bob's 60th
We had the great surprise of having our son Ryan with us to celebrate Bob's 60th birthday this February 29.I am excited to say that I was able to keep it a surprise and we had a long weekend to spend with him and his friend, Ann.

Thank you for continuing to keep us and the ministry God is doing through us here in Costa Rica in your prayers.We know that the prayers and support you provide allow us to continue to serve God and you in bring the good news of the Gospel!