Monday, March 25, 2013

Costa Rica to Texas

Bob serving with the Children's Ministry in San Callatano
 Our lasts days in Costa Rica were very busy ones! We had time to say good-buys to our friends, get doctor's check-ups done, sell household items, pack up our house and then host a team from Maine Street Baptist (Brunswick, Maine) for our last 10 days! Needless to say we were running! In God's planning the team came at the perfect time to serve with us at a small church in the mountains and then they helped us transport our belongings home to Maine, for which we are very grateful to God and the team
Working with the team to replace the roof of the new ministry center in Cartago
Two of the women in the Ladies Bible Study in San Callatano

The reason why we go!

Jail Ministry with team form Maine   
We arrived in Texas just over a two weeks ago and after catching our breath over the weekend we spent the next week at CTEN's orientation for new missionaries. It was pretty exciting to be on the other side of the table helping send out missionaries after having been sent ones 6 years earlier!

CTEN had a group of 18 new missionaries going all over the world to serve in various types of ministries. Bob and I will be serving as pastoral care for those who are going to Africa, Europe and the western USA. We had four families going out this time. Two singles are going to Uganda to work. One will be teaching law in a Christian University and the other will be working with women who were prostitutes helping them get established into life again with a job. We also had a family from Cameroon heading back to work among the pigmies. Our last family will be staying in the USA for now working with media to help missionaries get the Gospel out to people groups who don't read well by using short movies of Gospel stories translated into their languages. All of this is so exciting for us to see how God is getting His Good News out across the globe!
Natalie Lynn Nesbitt March 17, 2013
Parker and Blake, proud brothers!

Tomorrow we leave for a short visit to California to greet our newest granddaughter and welcome the first girl into the family! Natalie Lynn was born March 17! She joins two very proud brothers! I can't wait to buy some pink things for her!
After our visit to California we head to Maine to pack up and drive our little red truck (the Thorpe's old one!) to Texas, remind you of the Clampets? We will start our new position of service the first week in May. As a pastoral care couple for African and European missionaries we will travel one month every quarter to visit and encourage them. We will get to see their work up close and be a part of their lives for a couple of days. 
While we are in Maine we hope to visit as many of you as possible! Please contact us! We now have state-side phones. Bob's number is 830-353-2117 and B's is 830-353-2115. We will be staying at our half-done apartment in Wiscasset, so pray for a heat wave as we have been hearing of all the snow up north!