Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christ the Light of the World!

God gave us many opportunities to see his light shinning around us this Christmas Season! Bob had a couple of weeks off from school and responded to a request to install windows in a home of a brother of a friend who had just had surgery after being beaten up. Chicho's house only had openings for windows which meant for a draft that was dangerous to his healing. His home is a very small, simply constructed house that had tin panels over the windows. What a blessing to be able to share the light of Christ's love with this family who had just received Christ into their hearts the week before!

We shared the light of Christ when we held a Woman's Christmas Coffee in Los Guido for about 35 women. We had coffee and pastry together as we talked about the real meaning of Christmas. This was meant as an invitation to join us in the new year for a Bible Study in which we will take a look at the issues the women face and what God's Word has to say about them.
We shared the light of Christ when B served at the children's party given for some 130 children from the slum in Los Guido. We had food, clowns and a gift for each child.The clown with the help of some adults shared the Christmas story.
Their faces were precious as they enjoyed the excitement of the day.

We finished our Christmas holiday with a trip to California to see our boys and Bethany.
Bethany got tickets to see the Glory of Christmas at the Crystal Catheral, which was a beautiful production complete with flying angles! She is now looking very pregnant and we are so excited to greet our first grandchild!

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