Merry Christmas from Costa Rica to your home. We’ve just completed our fall semester at Sojourn ending with a Christmas pageant with the little ones, a commissioning service for students leaving and a gala staff Christmas party.
It has been hard to bid farewell to families as they leave for other countries.
One family we have met will be off to Guatemala soon. They have three little boys, the oldest is in first grade, and just delivered in Costa Rica a girl to round out their group. They will be heading up an orphanage there. They are a model of peace as they handled an international birth, the needs of four youngsters and attended language school full time.
Another family with four little boys, two which are a part of my preschool fan club that wait daily by the office door for a high five from me, will be staying here in the valley. He has just finished his PhD in Scotland and will be teaching nationals at a seminary nearby.
I, Bob, too am moving on to my next position in the new year. This is a time of transitions for many and we are among them. We are not currently certain of where we will be, but we have located needs from Mexico to Chile already, after only a week of searching. We are currently praying and gathering information and ask you to join us in seeking the Father’s direction for our lives.
This year has been one of many challenges and blessings. Although I, B, still lack much in my Spanish fluency, it has been on my heart to get more involved in ministry to the Spanish speaking population. I am now doing one small Bible Study and a discipleship in Spanish. I am currently looking at other opportunities where a door may open soon.
The work in the prison continues to go well as we finish up the Celebrate Recovery Program. We have only about two months to go and our group will have finished the entire program. Since we started the program four of our women have either been set free or have been sent to other prisons. It has been wonderful to see the changes that God has made in their hearts.
May God richly bless you and your family and fill you all with His love this year!