Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Headed HOME

I would like to introduce you to Carmencita, a friend that I have been disciplining for over a year now. She is a mother of two and grandmother of two precious girls. This year we have been studying the names of God using a Precept study called, Lord I want to know You. It is a course that not only helps you learn God’s names but also apply the truth to your own life. It has been a struggle for Carmen to trust God in her son’s life.

After having studied several of the names of God Carmen told me this week that she was starting to trust God instead of worrying. When she wants to turn to worry she instead now calls on the names she has studied to find help and peace! It was so exciting for me to hear of her victory!

The side benefit for me is that she is a wonderful cook and I can never leave without having some of her delicious food and she always sends along something for Bob to enjoy!

I am also working with a new believer, Patricia. We meet in gym class and after a year of getting to know each other I started a small group study in my home with two other women. Sometimes the Spanish gets over my head but they have been wonderful to help me along, teaching me all the slang expressions! Patricia has been a joy to watch grow in the Lord. She openly declares that she used to call herself a Christian but it was only from the mouth outwards. Now God is changing her heart and she is reading the Word, doing her homework and memorizing scriptures! Every week we have a new memory verse and she always knows it better that I! I tell her it is because it is in Spanish! She has been going through some really tough family situations and it was through these events that God opened her heart up to run to Him! 

Bob’s health is starting to come around. Thank you again for all your prayers! He was sick about two months and his energy level was very low. I know he is getting better, though, because he went to basketball this week for the first time in more than a month. We are still not entirely sure all of what he had.

Headed home has a double meaning for me this month. We are excited to be going to Maine to visit family, church family and other team members. We can’t wait to catch up with everyone, so, please email or call to set up a time to connect. Our stateside number is now a Skype number and it is: 508-882-7525. We have dropped our Vonage number to save a little as the Skype number is a lot cheaper.

The second meaning of going home for me this month came when Sue, one of the women I work with in the prison, was extradited back to Germany. It was a bitter-sweet moment as I am so happy for her. It has been a rewarding time to see such growth in her and I pray that God will find a person to continue working with her. I have worked with her almost three years and at her going away party she told me it was our group that got her back on track with God again. She had given up on Him, having cast Him aside and now was seeing His hand in her healing process. She now even has a vision for her future to serve street children, having lived on the street herself since she was about 13.

 I would love to share more of her story with you and many more so let’s get together and chat while Bob and I are home in August. We will be there for the first three weeks in August. We are looking forward to seeing many of you! Thought you might enjoy a couple pictures of our grandson.

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