Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I just love PBnJ

I don't know about your family but we grew up loving PBnJ. It was our go to food when mom didn't want to cook. Well, I now have a reason to really love PBnJ!

On Dec. 1 we welcomed out 4th grandchild, Jack Peter, into the world. He has 2 brothers and a sister, Parker, Blake and Natalie. If you put the first letter of their names together you get...PBnJ!

Mom, baby and children are doing fine but Peter says he is not getting enough sleep at night! :)
Last week we finished another new missionary training. There were 22 new missionaries going to 11 countries around the world.

We are so blessed to be a part of their life and love hearing how God has called them to serve Him.

Each story is one of hearing the call and then learning how to trust God as they depend on Him to send them out.

This is from the decorations of our church in Kerrville, Texas. It says it all!
May Christ's sacrifice fill your hearts
with an overwhelming sense of His great love for you
in this holy season.
Merry Christmas to our dear family and friends!

Where they go...

Where they go, we will follow...
That is kind of our motto in the Pastoral Care Department at CTEN. Our purpose here at CTEN is to support the vision God has given to the individual missionary to go into all the world.

So, wherever God leads them we follow along to support, love and serve those who are in the front lines. CTEN does not have 'projects' of its own but sees God at work in the individual missionaries lives and helps them find a partner in the field that they can connect with to learn and serve.

New missionaries spend about two years serving alongside seasoned missionaries.They may then choose to go out on their own to work in another part of the country.

This June orientation we had 4 new missionary families. Two of them will head to Zambia, one to Kenya and the last is from Uganda now living in the US but doing evangelism in Africa and Europe.


If you want to hear more about our pastoral work at CTEN and the missionaries we serve we would love to visit with you either by phone, Skype over a cup of coffee or a meal...

...we are coming to Maine on August 8 and would love to catch up personally with you!

                   Give us a call at: 830-353-2117 Bob or 830-353-2115 B. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Our Typical Day

First of all, a typical day at the office usually is not typical.What is typical is prayer. Our day is scheduled around our office prayer time. The whole office staff gathers each day in the conference room to share the latest prayer needs of our missionaries and then holds them in prayer as a team. The pastoral care couples also take time during their day to have prayer for their group of missionaries.

At lunch time the couples involved in pastoral care can be seen praying not only over their food but also for their missionaries. Bob and I use that time to pray through a monthly calendar of our missionaries.

Other than the prayer times we can be found reading the great newsletters we receive from those serving on the field, answering questions and helping solve issues that come up. The picture below is of Bob helping a young missionary who will be going to Romania this summer. She was so excited to see her family on our web site.

Another department that stays real busy here at CTEN is our publishing department. Debie and Tess publish all the newsletters of our missionaries. This is such a great service to those on the field.

Then there are the weeks we do orientation. these are crazy weeks, but we love them. We have anywhere from 12-28 missionaries receiving orientation and getting not only mentally prepared but spiritually as well. We love seeing the connections that are made between missionaries.
Headed Out

As I write this Bob and I are in our final days before heading out to Africa, our second home! This time we will head to the western part of Africa visiting the missionaries in Cameroon, Liberia and Burkina Faso.

Thank you again for your prayer support for the flight and visits that we can be an encouragement to those who have been led to leave home and bring the Gospel to all the world.

  Bob helping a new missionary get started.
She's headed to Romania this summer with her family
Debi hard at work getting the missionaries newsletters out 

How to support Us
There are several ways you can support us financially:
 Make checks out to:
Commission To Every Nation or CTEN

Mail a check to : CTEN PO Box 291307
Kerrville, TX 78029

Do not write on the memo line, instead send a note with our names on it.
Credit card or bank draft gifts can be made by going to:

This takes you to our web page, click the DONATE button,
this directs you to our support page.