Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Where they go...

Where they go, we will follow...
That is kind of our motto in the Pastoral Care Department at CTEN. Our purpose here at CTEN is to support the vision God has given to the individual missionary to go into all the world.

So, wherever God leads them we follow along to support, love and serve those who are in the front lines. CTEN does not have 'projects' of its own but sees God at work in the individual missionaries lives and helps them find a partner in the field that they can connect with to learn and serve.

New missionaries spend about two years serving alongside seasoned missionaries.They may then choose to go out on their own to work in another part of the country.

This June orientation we had 4 new missionary families. Two of them will head to Zambia, one to Kenya and the last is from Uganda now living in the US but doing evangelism in Africa and Europe.


If you want to hear more about our pastoral work at CTEN and the missionaries we serve we would love to visit with you either by phone, Skype over a cup of coffee or a meal...

...we are coming to Maine on August 8 and would love to catch up personally with you!

                   Give us a call at: 830-353-2117 Bob or 830-353-2115 B. 

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