Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome Leah!

We would like to have you join us in welcoming Leah Cook from Union, Maine to Costa Rica! As you can see from the picture below she fits right in! Leah arrived last Tuesday and has started working for Food for the Hungry which is located in Los Guido, one of the largest slums in the city of San Jose. She accompanied us when we did short term missions to Mexico with Extreme Mission several years ago. She has just finished high school and her desire now is to do the 5 month YWAM, Youth with a Mission, DTS (discipleship training school) program in the near future. Her specialty is performing arts. She will be with us here in Costa Rica until August, when we return home. We are really enjoying having her, especially B, who loves the girl-talk!
Sunday afternoon we took her out of the city to see the beautiful countryside of Costa Rica. She was especially impressed with the ferns and the volcanic crater at 11,500 feet .
Bob has been busy getting the school ready for the fall opening. He is really enjoying the challenge and he is using all the gifts God has given him! He received word yesterday that Costa Rica was closing down all schools for a week because of the climb in Swine Flu cases here. The summer children's program will close next week. This will make it hard for the parents who will continue to study at the adult school, as they will need to find places for their children. Please pray for God's mercy and healing from this flu, not only in Costa Rica but world wide.
We are excited to be coming back to Maine for two weeks in August. We had hoped to be home for more time but because of Bob's new position of service we will return to Costa Rica mid-August. We would love to see as many of you as possible, please get in touch so we can begin to make plans! Our available dates are August 16 to the 22. We will be sharing at our home church, North Woolwich Methodist, on August 16. We would love to have you join us then! It will be a special service with Spanish Missions as a theme.

We'd like to share an opportunity to help a couple of local families that are sending their children to Sojourn. We have at least 3 students that need $20 per month for 10 months to be able to continue their studies this year. If you or someone you know would like to help in this matter please get in touch, it is a "dream come true" in the making for these families. Thank you for asking around or considering. Even $5 or $10 a month from multiple sources would make a significant difference.

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