Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teaching Opportunities Abound

                                                                       Missionary Woman's Bible Study

Teaching opportunities have abounded this fall! God has blessed me with a chance to share inductive study methods with a group of missionary women who live in the area. I did a overview of how to study the Bible inductively and then we headed into a course called Sweeter than Chocolate, that gave us a chance to practice it.We had a wonderful 9 weeks looking at Psalm 119. We got to see how the Psalmist found God to not only be his refuge but his reviver as well! We looked at how he turned to God in even the most difficult moments of his life and remembered how faithful God had been to him!
The verse that really summed up his attitude to me was 68 when he states, "You are good and everything you do is good. Teach me your statutes". All through the Psalm you see his passion for God's law, and this is one of the places you get to see why he had that passion. He so knew his God and His goodness that it gave him the desire to serve and obey Him! Oh, to know our God as the psalmist did! What an awesome God we serve!

Another area of service opened up at Sojourn, the school where Bob is the director. The missionary that was teaching the Bible to the High Schoolers had to go back to the states. It is a two day a week position that allows me to keep up with all the other areas I serve in. It has been a real learning experience for me, as this is the first time that I have taught this age group! I don't know who is learning more, me or them! They are a great group of teens and I have really enjoyed working with them! What a blessing to impact the next generation of missionaries going out!

I am still disciplining two wonderful and patient ladies in Spanish, one from Costa Rica and the other from Nicaragua. They have been so gracious to me as I keep plugging ahead in the area of language learning.

The work at the jail is going great. I am so blessed to be able to serve these women who are displaced from their countries and families. They are really responding to the Celebrate Recovery program. We are hoping to get a picture of them soon, but things at the jail don't always go as planned!

Thanks for all your prayers! The driving here is very dangerous and we have had some very near misses! People and motorcycles are every where. We would love to hear from you and miss seeing you all!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I LOVE reading your updates! I feel like I get up-to-the-minute info & always a NEW way to pray for you guys! Love from us all~ Michael, Michelle & Suzette