Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Nesbitt’s

Merry Christmas from Costa Rica to your home.  We’ve just completed our fall semester at Sojourn ending with a Christmas pageant with the little ones, a commissioning service for students leaving and a gala staff Christmas party. 

It has been hard to bid farewell to families as they leave for other countries. 
One family we have met will be off to Guatemala soon.  They have three little boys, the oldest is in first grade, and just delivered in Costa Rica a girl to round out their group.  They will be heading up an orphanage there.  They are a model of peace as they handled an international birth, the needs of four youngsters and attended language school full time. 

Another family with four little boys, two which are a part of my preschool fan club that wait daily by the office door for a high five from me, will be staying here in the valley.  He has just finished his PhD in Scotland and will be teaching nationals at a seminary nearby. 

I, Bob, too am moving on to my next position in the new year.  This is a time of transitions for many and we are among them.  We are not currently certain of where we will be, but we have located needs from Mexico to Chile already, after only a week of searching.  We are currently praying and gathering information and ask you to join us in seeking the Father’s direction for our lives.

This year has been one of many challenges and blessings. Although I, B, still lack much in my Spanish fluency, it has been on my heart to get more involved in ministry to the Spanish speaking population. I am now doing one small Bible Study and a discipleship in Spanish.  I am currently looking at other opportunities where a door may open soon. 

The work in the prison continues to go well as we finish up the Celebrate Recovery Program. We have only about two months to go and our group will have finished the entire program. Since we started the program four of our women have either been set free or have been sent to other prisons. It has been wonderful to see the changes that God has made in their hearts.

The most rewarding relationship this year has been with Stephanie as we work together in getting her ready to become a missionary in Mexico. She has a heart dedicated to serving God and it has been wonderful to watch God at work within her preparing her to serve Him. She will be leaving in January for a year internship in Mexico City. We have been studying the Bible together and discussing the call of a missionary. 

May God richly bless you and your family and fill you all with His love this year!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Someone's daughter is behind bars
never loved
escaping reality
still alive?

I wrote this poem this week as I was pondering all the things I have learned about the wonderful women that I serve behind bars. I have grown over these three years to appreciate their struggles a bit more, to find a deeper place of compassion in my heart for them, remembering a phrase my mom used to tell us, but for the grace of God go I....

What gets one behind bars, is it bad luck, being born on the other side of town or is there a piece of God's mercy in it? Does it give one a second chance to walk differently? Is there any hope for change? Or will life always be the same and it will be one crime after another?

I would like to believe that God is in control and that hope can be seen even in a place like this! I have seen it in some of the women I have walked with. They go from living a lie to accepting truth and then reaching out to something better. I have seen them come to a new understanding of who God is and His wonderful plan for their lives.

This is not always true as I have also seen some fall way and turn back to their old ways rejecting the love that seems so foreign to them. But,our team keeps reaching out having faith that the God who met them behind bars will never desert them and will one day bring them into the glory of His home.  A place where there is no hatred, rejection and wounding instead only acceptance and love.

One of the women has returned to her home country to complete her sentence in prison there. She still writes and keeps up with us on how things are going. We have  heard from her that she is not allowed to have any personal books, including her Bible.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if several of you wrote her and filled your letter with words of encouragement and scripture? If you would like her mailing address please send me an email at and I will get it to you! God bless!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hit the Ground Running!

Well, we had a great flight home arriving at about mid-night and Bob woke up the next morning to a new school year! Those of you who we saw during our time at home knew it was not the restful time we had wanted but we were so happy to get caught up with at least some of you,go out for a lobster and get our household things on Craig's List after a couple of yard sales! So, even though it was busy, we felt that we were able to get a lot accomplished during the time.I think the thing that most impressed me was the freshness of the air in Maine. It was so clear and one night we even had a picnic and got to star gaze!
One of the highlights for me was a brunch given by Inge from our church. It was at her lovely home near the ocean and we all got to be on the receiving end of her wonderful gift of hospitality. It was a great opportunity to share with my friends what God is doing in the women's prison in Costa Rica!
Sojourn Academy is going well, with lots of new missionary students and some new nationals. Several of the families that have come to the Language Institute have 4-5 children! They will all go to Sojourn and attend regular classes as well as learn Spanish. It is a big load for these children and for some a very hard transition. We have one family from Sweden who has three children who neither speak Spanish nor English! These first few days of not being able to communicate at all have proven to be very tough on them, but over time they will learn to adjust, which is a very big part of the missionary call. I think the name of the school, Sojourn, tells the story. They all learn that home takes on a new meaning, and that home is really where ever God puts you.  It is being in the center of His will for your life. I guess for all of us this takes a bit of an adjustment!
We are excited to have 6 new teachers at Sojourn this year. We know it will be a year of blessing for them as they serve by helping the children not only with academics but also to grow spiritually.If you ever considered serving overseas, this is a great opportunity! Let's talk!
The women at the prison have entered into their 4th step of the Celebrate Recovery program, which involves a long look at their life and places where they need to forgive and be forgiven. It is a hard process and they need to rely on God's grace to get them through it.Thanks for praying for them to have the courage to hang in there with the One who can set them free!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Headed HOME

I would like to introduce you to Carmencita, a friend that I have been disciplining for over a year now. She is a mother of two and grandmother of two precious girls. This year we have been studying the names of God using a Precept study called, Lord I want to know You. It is a course that not only helps you learn God’s names but also apply the truth to your own life. It has been a struggle for Carmen to trust God in her son’s life.

After having studied several of the names of God Carmen told me this week that she was starting to trust God instead of worrying. When she wants to turn to worry she instead now calls on the names she has studied to find help and peace! It was so exciting for me to hear of her victory!

The side benefit for me is that she is a wonderful cook and I can never leave without having some of her delicious food and she always sends along something for Bob to enjoy!

I am also working with a new believer, Patricia. We meet in gym class and after a year of getting to know each other I started a small group study in my home with two other women. Sometimes the Spanish gets over my head but they have been wonderful to help me along, teaching me all the slang expressions! Patricia has been a joy to watch grow in the Lord. She openly declares that she used to call herself a Christian but it was only from the mouth outwards. Now God is changing her heart and she is reading the Word, doing her homework and memorizing scriptures! Every week we have a new memory verse and she always knows it better that I! I tell her it is because it is in Spanish! She has been going through some really tough family situations and it was through these events that God opened her heart up to run to Him! 

Bob’s health is starting to come around. Thank you again for all your prayers! He was sick about two months and his energy level was very low. I know he is getting better, though, because he went to basketball this week for the first time in more than a month. We are still not entirely sure all of what he had.

Headed home has a double meaning for me this month. We are excited to be going to Maine to visit family, church family and other team members. We can’t wait to catch up with everyone, so, please email or call to set up a time to connect. Our stateside number is now a Skype number and it is: 508-882-7525. We have dropped our Vonage number to save a little as the Skype number is a lot cheaper.

The second meaning of going home for me this month came when Sue, one of the women I work with in the prison, was extradited back to Germany. It was a bitter-sweet moment as I am so happy for her. It has been a rewarding time to see such growth in her and I pray that God will find a person to continue working with her. I have worked with her almost three years and at her going away party she told me it was our group that got her back on track with God again. She had given up on Him, having cast Him aside and now was seeing His hand in her healing process. She now even has a vision for her future to serve street children, having lived on the street herself since she was about 13.

 I would love to share more of her story with you and many more so let’s get together and chat while Bob and I are home in August. We will be there for the first three weeks in August. We are looking forward to seeing many of you! Thought you might enjoy a couple pictures of our grandson.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I’d like to share a great big thank you to you for your continued help in prayer and tangible support that makes our efforts here possible.  There have been great battles these last few months with my work at the school.  Some things are smoothing out and resolving themselves while others will need more time to resolve. 

I do want to share that through it all there has been a real peacefulness down deep in me.  My energy hasn’t flagged at all and about ten days ago I had a very welcome experience where something very weighty, oppressive and trying lifted, left or went on vacation.  The result was a refreshing and renewed excitement for the purposes of the school and my involvement there. It was hard to be aware of the load that was on me as it must have been adding itself very slowly over time.  It brought to mind, “Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  This is also interesting because the symbol of the language institute is the oxen yoke (a common sight in these parts) and the phrase that goes with it is “together to serve”. 

Also last week, Anthony (1st grader) got his first perfect score on a spelling quiz!  We celebrated.  Also last week a 4½ year old spoke to someone other than the special education teacher for the first time!  (His first words to the special education teacher came after 5 months of work!) We celebrated. 

At the end of April we commissioned 26 students that were heading off to 9 different countries with their families.  We celebrated but with sad farewells.  This past week we were able to project an enrollment increase for August.  This is the first time in over a year.  We are celebrating.  

 As for me, next month marks one year at the helm of Sojourn.  The time has passed very quickly, but then again I’ve noticed that as you get older the years do hustle by much faster.  Seriously though, it is a great place to come along side and share my life with others that are also here to encourage, teach and support MK’s while mom and dad study Spanish at the institute.  For all of this we are thankful. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blessed Easter!

                                              A few of the Women from the Prison Ministry
Tomorrow our plan was to go the prison to have an Easter Service with the women we serve there. We had everything planned and Monday afternoon we got word that they would not let us in for lack of enough security! Needless to say it was very disappointing to us and even more so to the women! They so look forward to the special times we have together.
Even as I write this I realize that tomorrow "my" plan was to go to the prison, but not God's! I do not always understand His ways but am learning to trust Him more and more every day!

The Celebrate Recovery Program is going very well. Our team of three leaders is kept very busy with supporting the womwn's process of healing and we have seen God at work in their midst. Often the women enter the prison saying they are inocent but as we have worked with them over the last few months we have seen them become more honest with themselves and with us. There is a real desire to get healed and set free. They want to live a different life than before and know that is only possible with God.

Last month we had the blessing of being part of of an ongoing children's  program in Rio Frio, where a family that we served after the earthquake is now living. It is a program that brings the neighborhood children from this rural area together to have fun and learn about who God is and that He loves them.These children come from very poor homes, many of whom only have earthen floors. This can be quite a problem during the rainy season as there is no way to keep the rain out of the houses. Even in the midst of their poverty they often can be seen wearing beautiful smiles. It is a joy to see their faces as they hear the Gospel stories read and acted out.

We have been blessed by a friend of our son's with a visit to his condo later this week. He has a heart to serve God by serving us and we are looking forward to a  needed rest. Bob has been putting in long hours at the school and has been sick with a flu for the last two weeks. This will give us a chance to catch up on some reading and sleeping!

Thank you all for partnering with us to serve God as we serve the people here in Costa Rica and those students whom God will send out in all of Latin America. We treasure your prayers and look forward to seeing you all soon, either here in Costa Rica or when we come home for a visit this summer.

May you know the  blessing of His love this Easter! God bless you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Looking Ahead in 2010

Hi all!  Firstly, I want to apologize to you for letting the time get by and not getting in touch with everyone.  The Christmas Holiday came and went quickly and we did get to see our son Ryan and spend Christmas with him.  Back at school my position as interim head of school changed to head of school.  That has been a big boost as now my planning for the future year(s) is not with one eye wondering that I might not be here, someone else may be instead.  So with that vote of confidence and with a great team of teachers I’m busy working on a summer program and hiring a few teachers for the fall.  By the way do any of  you know a couple of good elementary teachers that would like a cross-cultural experience for a couple of years?   
Just ship me an email at

  The days are long but I really like the challenge of all that happens day to day.  You never can figure how a day will unfold and so it is very exciting and dynamic.
      We are thrilled to announce that Pastor Dan Coffin of a supporting church, Small Point Baptist in Maine, will be able to visit us for a week in June.  We are grateful that he is taking the time to join us and take in all that is happening here.  If any of you know of a church that would like to get involved in missions and missionary support we would love to talk with them.  We will be in Maine for a couple of weeks this August and could explain and present what we are doing here in Costa Rica to them or interested families as well. 
      Sojourn Academy is a school of about 180 students made up of the children of adults who are at the Spanish Language Institute as well as students from other missionaries here in the central valley and some students from the local community.  The Institute has been operating for about 70 years and has prepared and sent out some 10,000 missionaries during that time!  It is directed by a board of missionaries and administrated by missionaries like myself from many different mission agencies and societies.  It is a real privilege to be helping at an institution such as this. 

If any of you would like to bring a group here to minister in any manner please let me know as there are plenty of opportunities to do so.   I am working on producing a list of things that are beyond our normal budget ability to fund and on areas of the campus where extra help would be a blessing.  There are also opportunities to interact in the local communities nearby.  If any of these offerings strike a cord with you, give us a call (207-512-2229, a Maine number) or write us an email at, we would love to talk with you and help set something up. 

      On a relational note I’d like to share a bit about a couple of ladies that work in my area of the campus.  These two ladies, Sonia and Gloria, have a combined work experience at the preschool of over 63 years.  Sonia is a gift to every mom as she cares for the newborns to age 1 ½ years.  She loves the littlest ones like a doting grandmother.  Gloria handles the 1 ½ to 2 ½ year olds and likewise has the wisdom and experience that allows young mother’s to study and have peace of mind, knowing that their children are in good hands.  This is such a blessing when you are in classes  studying Spanishfor 4 hours every day for a whole year.  This also makes my 1 ½ years on the scene look like a drop in the bucket by comparison.  My hat goes off to these ladies.  

      Many thank you’s for your support both in prayer and financially.  We are grateful to you every day and our being able to bless others is a direct result of your support and blessings to us. 

A couple of prayer needs come to mind.  For me, pray that I will have patience and seek the big picture for Sojourn Academy.  I have a tendency to move faster than the prevailing culture is used to and at times miss a cultural cue as well. 

A couple of the ladies that B works with in the prison will be getting out soon to serve the rest of their sentence working in the Prison Bakery with some added freedom. They have been in the prison for over 3 years now and are scared of what it will be like for them outside.  Please pray for them to continue to be strong in the Lord!
We are healthy and looking forward to talking with many of you this August when we are in Maine.