Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hit the Ground Running!

Well, we had a great flight home arriving at about mid-night and Bob woke up the next morning to a new school year! Those of you who we saw during our time at home knew it was not the restful time we had wanted but we were so happy to get caught up with at least some of you,go out for a lobster and get our household things on Craig's List after a couple of yard sales! So, even though it was busy, we felt that we were able to get a lot accomplished during the time.I think the thing that most impressed me was the freshness of the air in Maine. It was so clear and one night we even had a picnic and got to star gaze!
One of the highlights for me was a brunch given by Inge from our church. It was at her lovely home near the ocean and we all got to be on the receiving end of her wonderful gift of hospitality. It was a great opportunity to share with my friends what God is doing in the women's prison in Costa Rica!
Sojourn Academy is going well, with lots of new missionary students and some new nationals. Several of the families that have come to the Language Institute have 4-5 children! They will all go to Sojourn and attend regular classes as well as learn Spanish. It is a big load for these children and for some a very hard transition. We have one family from Sweden who has three children who neither speak Spanish nor English! These first few days of not being able to communicate at all have proven to be very tough on them, but over time they will learn to adjust, which is a very big part of the missionary call. I think the name of the school, Sojourn, tells the story. They all learn that home takes on a new meaning, and that home is really where ever God puts you.  It is being in the center of His will for your life. I guess for all of us this takes a bit of an adjustment!
We are excited to have 6 new teachers at Sojourn this year. We know it will be a year of blessing for them as they serve by helping the children not only with academics but also to grow spiritually.If you ever considered serving overseas, this is a great opportunity! Let's talk!
The women at the prison have entered into their 4th step of the Celebrate Recovery program, which involves a long look at their life and places where they need to forgive and be forgiven. It is a hard process and they need to rely on God's grace to get them through it.Thanks for praying for them to have the courage to hang in there with the One who can set them free!


Unknown said...

How good to see you, even if we only saw Bob & B BRIEFLY this summer. Press on; be steadfast, always abounding in the work of the Lord for you know that your labor in Him is never in vain. (That was Mr. Eves' favorite verse)

Unknown said...

How good to see you, even if we only saw Bob & B BRIEFLY this summer. Press on; be steadfast, always abounding in the work of the Lord for you know that your labor in Him is never in vain. (That was Mr. Eves' favorite verse)