It is always interesting to stop the regular course of events and reflect for a time about what has transpired recently and to write about those events and the reflections.
We have begun working with Christ for the City International here in San Jose. (Actually the main office is almost behind our house!) We are helping host short term teams at this point. We love their model of home stays in the communities for the entire team, us included. So for 11 days we were in a tough neighborhood northwest of the city.
The team we hosted was from Canada, all girls in 11th or 12th grade. Never have we experienced such a mature, loving and caring bunch of high scholars’. They interacted well with the children and the women of the area as well as the host church from the barrio. We also were stretched by the conditions in the slum (so thankful for our camping histories). The girls shared their testimonies and by the end of the week, they were really connecting and touching the ladies hearts. B had a chance to chat with one woman who was noticeable touched by the testimonies of the girls. She had a chance to listen to her story and pray with her. This has lead to the start of a new relationship for B.
During times of debriefing with the team it was evident that God was working deeply with each one of them in terms of love, relationships and culture/world views. It was a privilege to see such changes in them in such a short time.
For me, Bob, I was delighted to go on a men’s retreat with our church in the mountains. It was really the first time that I’ve had verbal skills and opportunity to get to know some of the men here in our area. My “equipo” were a diverse bunch but we melded really well. I’m hoping to press on with some of them as male fellowship has been thin for me for many years now. One of our team tasks was to dunk ourselves into a cold, yes COLD, mountain stream during a group challenge. Thanks to good modeling from leadership at NWMC during our time in Maine, I was able to lead the charge for my group.

Reflections of a more somber tone. Life is fragile, short and in need of hearing the Gospel before it ends here on earth. This was imparted to me during a trip to the beach for a debrief with the team. The scene is 8 girls in the water playing on “boogie boards” and I am out a bit deeper. Moments later they are passing me by as a rip tide has captured them. Scene three, all but one are able to help each other to shore. So one young lady is heading offshore and I’m heading after her. The next ten to fifteen minutes were probably some of the most challenging I’ve ever experienced. The short of the story is that we did get back in, a bit traumatized but so thankful to God for his mercy on both of us.
The following few nights were times of reflecting on the brevity of life, the need of a savior to continue life beyond this world, the thankfulness of a good outcome, the sobriety and the gut pains when I wasn’t sure of the outcome, and for God’s protection over the mind of this sweet young gal about her experience.
Thank you for your prayers as we take another team into the same area next week. They are a larger group, 26 people, so the logistics are quite a bit bigger. We are with them 24/7, so prayers for our energy are appreciated and for safety in all aspects.