Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter in Costa Rica

The city of San Jose is deserted, the streets are empty. The people have either gone to visit family in the country or they are at the beach. This is Semana Santa, Holy Week. Holy Week is not celebrated by the Evangelical Church like it is by the Catholic Church here in Costa Rica. The Evangelical church believes that they celebrate the Resurrection of their Savior each and every Sunday. The tradition of the Catholic Church is filled with symbolism, observed by holy days and parades.

Botanical  Orchard Garden

A friend and I went to visit a beautiful botanical garden on Good Friday. It was a time for us to walk and talk as we observed the beauty of God’s creation. We also took time to spend individually in prayer and meditation over the meaning of Easter for us.

 One of the passages that I spent time thinking of was Jesus’ words in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
I believe in this passage Jesus shows us the reason for His coming, to be the light in our lives that will open up the darkness of our minds and hearts to His truth and that this truth will  set us free from the power of sin in our life.
More and more I am growing in the knowledge of my need for a Savior, that I need to rely on His power to set me free every single day. What a great gift we have in a savior who came to liberate the world from sin and bring us to a place of freedom and light.

 May our hearts glory in this truth this Easter season as we celebrate his victory over sin and death!

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