Monday, April 18, 2011

We hosted our second team with Christ for the City this past week. They were from Shannon Christian High School, South Carolina. This team had 23 students and was a delight to work with.

Each brought their own special talents but all brought lots of love to share with the children of La Cuenca. Some of the students had never flown a plane before nor left the United States. It was quite eye awaking to see the poverty in La Cuenca for them. Their hearts were broken and they went home changed. Here are some comments the students made:

I rely way too much on material things instead of God.
I learned prayer can do amazing things.
I learned God is present through suffering. I saw that in the children of La Cuenca.
It's the little things that matter.
I learned that I am really self-centered.
As Christians in America we get blessed with things but here I see the blessing  is relationships.
Now I see everything God does for a reason.
They know their need for God.
I learned I am really stubborn and self-centered.
We all grew in patience.
It wasn't as much about what we got done but the relationships we developed.
I learned that what we have often distracts us.
I realize I always look for joy in the wrong places.
I got such joy from watching my host mother smile.
We spent the last 4 years with more of a relationship with our school books than with each other.

What wonderful observations. Please join us in praying that God will continue to grow them in a desire to serve Him where ever God chooses.


Anonymous said...

we miss you!

Anonymous said...

when you get a minute - read what Callie wrote (she shared this in chapel - Wednesday - along with 6 of the other kids) - I posted it on the blog -

Paige said...

Bob and B, what a blessing you are! I miss you and am praying for you frequently! Keep marching. Love you both, Paige