Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dios es Bueno todo el Tiempo y !aún mas!

                                          God is good all the time and more!

We often start our church services with this saying!(it sounds better in Spanish). Just when you think you are in a pickle that has no out, God comes to the rescue, in so many ways!

This week started out by calendar to be real busy. We have our regular duties, administrator at ESEPA Seminary, Bible Study leader, and prison worker and on top of that we are hosting our pastoral couple form CTEN (Commission to Every Nation) for the weekend. It is their tri-annual visit. They are a new overseeing couple for Latin America and we can't wait to get to know them. So the plate was getting a bit fuller than normal when a dear friend emailed to ask if one of her interns in Nicaragua could spend the weekend with us. We were happy to help out but were not sure how we could show her around with so much else going on. Thinking that we could find friends who had a college student home we were sure something would work out, but the friends were hosting a short term team and so that was out!

At this point we were starting to feel a bit anxious over how we could host her and our mission pastoral couple?? Yesterday I spoke to my friend in Nicaragua and expressed my concern and lack of avenues. Any other weekend would not have caused such a problem. Together we came up with another friend who lives across town from us, is also in her twenties and serves with a similar mission. I got a call from her this morning and she is able to help out with the intern.

Thank  you Father for being faithful in those small details of life!

The story gets a bit more complicated and it is the real reason for this update. Bob went to visit the seminary on Sunday morning as several churches are using the facility and he wanted to see how things went during that time. He left saying I'll be back in an hour. Twenty minutes later I got a call telling me that his guard at the seminary went to the emergency room with his wife who had just given birth to her 6th child, he is 3 months old.

His wife had been to the doctors with severe stomach pain twice that week and she had been sent home with a diagnoses of gastritis. Saturday night when she went to the emergency room they found gall bladder stones and one had ruptured something inside and she now had an infection. She could not have surgery because of the infection, the plan now is to wait until tomorrow. The dad is home tending his 5 children, including the 3 month old, who was breast feeding and never had taken a bottle. Needless to say he has his hands more than full. Bob ended up spending the day helping out, with trips to and from the hospital and tending the children in between. In the evening we came back with dinner and some food for the house.

Please keep Pauline and the family in PRAYER. She is supposed to be operated on tomorrow. They are from Nicaragua and have only one brother each here, so there is not much for help. We are starting to adopt them and have really enjoyed getting to know the children who are especially sweet. I was able to get the baby to sleep this afternoon after a little fight getting him to take a bottle!

We are so excited to be coming home soon.We have started our rainy season here and it is cloudy most of the time.  Our last couple of weeks are so full of final things to get done.We hope to hear from you in the next couple of weeks so we can get together over our home stay. Our plan is to stay in our garage to-be-apartment and rough it. So, we are not opposed to dinner or shower invitations!!!

1 comment:

Val said...

Belfast is a long way away for a shower - but we'd love to have you anytime...and we'll throw in dinner too :) :)