Saturday, October 1, 2011

Thank God for Toilet Paper

OK, so when was the last time you thanked God for toilet paper? That was the thought that crossed my mind as Belkis, one of the women  I work with in the prison, beamed with joy telling me that someone had given her toilet paper and toothpaste ! To be totally honest with you I can't think of one occasion that I have thought to thank God for toilet paper. I guess you don't think in that direction until you have to go without it!

Prison life here is a bit different that the states. You MAY be given toilet paper once a month and after that you are on your own. Belkis is from Canada and therefore does not have any family to help her with the basic needs she has. So when someone gave her these things she was overjoyed! She has been in the prison for several months and still awaits her sentencing.

Another young woman I work with in the prison has been in only about 3 months. Her name is LeAnna. She is from Africa and was arrested for drug trafficking, which may mean up to 8 years for her. One of the saddest facts about her is that she is about 5 months pregnant and has not been very well! She is having a very hard time with the food and vomits it up a lot. The prison guards are worried about her health.

It is very hard to get vitamin's here in country and I was wondering if anyone would like to send me a care package for her? She will also need baby clothes when the baby comes in January.
Our mail box number and  address is: APDO # 782-2350 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA

YOU CAN ALSO SEND US CARDS! We love to hear from you all!!! Makes us a little less home sick.

Bob and I are working in the slum area called La Cuenca. It is located on the other side of town from us and can be quite a ride in traffic. Last week was our first week since we came back to work there because of the Holiday here in Costa Rica. I had a coffee to introduce the new Bible Study and we invited some new women. 12 women showed up! It was so exciting to see them all!

Wednesday is our day to go there and we had a very strong 'aguacera', a big, ugly rain storm! We received such a large volume of rain so quickly that the streets were almost impassable. Because of the rain the attendance was a bit down, but I still had 5 women show up, on foot, a bit damp.

The most exciting thing about the class for me is the interest they have and the questions they ask. Today I reviewed what it really means to be a Christian. One of the passages we read was from Galatians where it speaks of the sinful flesh nature and the fruit of the Spirit in one 's life. They started asking me questions about the definitions of some of the sins listed under the flesh which brought on a conversation of 'union libre', which is the term for living together without being married. One of them told the group that she knew that God did not approve of the way she was living her life and was hoping to find the courage to change. Please pray that God gives her that courage.

I am thinking and praying about a retreat for them sometime this spring. God will have to pull all the details together from speakers to finances, but I trust that if this is from Him, He is capable to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory!
Last Sunday  another section of the slum where we are working  had a fire.  It spread quickly and the firemen had a hard time as the fire hydrants where not located close by.  What was left was an area covered with burnt metal roofing laying on the ground as everything below the roofs burnt up.   Thankfully there were no deaths, but sadly some 23 homes were lost and about 90 people were put up in shelters.  Bob and one of the missionaries hauled a truckload of goods, mostly for the children, over to the site.  The people were making headway in reconstruction using scrap wood and tin. We are in a time of heavy rain and the place is a sea of mud.  We bought a bunch of basic food today and I met up with one of my bible study friends who helped me with the delivery.  We became aware of a single mom who lost everything and has no one to help her get a shelter reestablished.  Tomorrow Bob will go over to see what might be done to help her and others.  We heard that today some building materials had been given to the effort.  Good news.

 After about 4 months now as the CFO at ESEPA Seminary, I, Bob am coming to a point of offering ideas for some needed changes.   Please pray for wisdom in making the decisions and that these changes will go smoothly.  Few of us like to see change and fewer still care to experience it. But isn’t this a lot like our journey in Christ?  Transitions and change in our lives as we yield to His leading!

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.   We would like to mention that we have been stretched lately in the financial department with all the help and supplies for the woman in the prison and in the slum.
 If you feel moved to support us either with a onetime gift or something monthly, we would greatly appreciate it.  Our support both personal and for ministry helps can be forwarded through CTEN:  (Commission to Every Nation) PO Box 291307 Kerrville, Texas 78029 or call 830-896-8326 or visit the website at

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