Friday, October 7, 2011

The Wait

 This has been too exciting an adventure to not share! I usually sit on our patio in the mornings with my reading and a good cup of Costa Rica coffee, From my spot I can see the hummingbirds eating at our feeder and watch the butterflies go by. It is very relaxing and inspiring, as we live in the middle of the city, it is like a refuge for me.
 A couple of weeks or so ago I noticed that we had some type of cocoon in our dying lime tree. It had attached itself to a branch that only had a couple of leaves left. So, I have taken it on as my job to keep it well fed! I did not realize that a butterfly/moth would keep eating once it has formed its cocoon but as evidenced by the leaves that he has consumed it is so.

 In this picture you can see him out having breakfast! He does not like having his picture taken, neither does my grandson,so I have to take him by surprise.
Today he has changed his location and position. I am thinking that he is now closed up and done eating as he has not eaten the last couple of leaves that I attached for him.I have not found anything to use as a house for him to bring him inside so I hope I am around when he gives birth to his new self! Isn't God amazing!!

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